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Cutscenes count fot the total time, so remember to skip all of the dialog by mashing all of the front buttons together at the same time (on xbox controler) X, A, B, Y.Ĩ. When fighting the "bosses" focus on safety and not on speed, it´s better to be a bit slower than dying and losing a lot of time.ħ. Number 1 is not the start of the segment, it´s the first important event!Ħ.

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The description of each number will be on it´s corresponging section of the guide.ĥ. Theres numbers indicated in colors in the important parts of the route.Ĥ. Colors are followed starting with red and following the gradient (red, orange, yellow, green, blue.).ģ. This route is made to follow the colors and numbers indicated on each map.Ģ. There are a few things you need to know before starting:ġ.

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