Our wild hearts dvd
Our wild hearts dvd

our wild hearts dvd our wild hearts dvd

Usually, interviews are conducted with a public relations rep on the line, but Ricky called me from his house without anyone else listening in. It premiered on the Hallmark Channel in March and becomes available Jon DVD and VOD. It’s a heartwarming film that’s appropriate for both kids and adults. The two become entangled with the fate of a wild horse and develop a relationship with one another in the process. Ricky plays a cowboy who discovers that he has a teenage daughter, Willow, when she seeks out the father she has never known.

our wild hearts dvd

In fact, the star of the film, “Our Wild Hearts,” is his daughter, Cambrie. One of his recent projects as writer, director, and actor involved every member of his immediate family either on camera or behind the scenes. Now 43, Schroder is not only an actor, but also a writer and director. If you’re old enough, you’ll remember little Ricky Schroder on the TV show, “Silver Spoons,” or in the film, “The Champ,” with Jon Voight and Faye Dunaway. Ricky and Cambrie Schroder in “Our Wild Hearts”

Our wild hearts dvd